Mountain Bike

Mountain Biking has grown exponentially over the last few years. We have a MTB-specific committee who work hard to ensure that members are well looked after and catered for at all experience levels.
What we offer: We cater for all levels of riders, from the absolute novice to the racing snakes.
We offer weekly club rides:
For the beginner & intermediate riders, rides are from Asidlale Adventure Farm or from Northern Farm on a Saturday.
Skills and maintenance clinics are held on a basis.
We have a weekly newsletter which keeps members informed about rides, club news, upcoming race events etc.
We have 4 long rides a year (5-6hrs) These are suitable for riders who have taken part in multiple stage events like Sani2C
Mountain Bike Club Rides:
Saturday Club Ride:
Venue: Northern Farm & Asidlale Adventure Park – the rides are ideal for the Beginner and Intermediate riders and we have excellent Marshals that is there to support and teach skills.
Venues - communicated in the Club's weekly newsletter and WhatsApp Groups
Ride Times:
Spring / Summer 06h30
Autumn/Winter 07h00 /07h30 mid winter
Sunday MTB Rides:
Various departing venues – communicated in the Club’s weekly newsletter and WhatsApp Groups
Ride Times:
Summer Oct – mid March 06h00
Autumn March – May 06h30
Winter Mid May – Aug 07h00
Spring Sept – Oct 06h30